P & B International
Our company is known for good quality items with competetive price and prompt shipment, which help us to attract new customer get repeat order from regular customer. We have been in this many year, satisfy our customers. Please let know your requiment we reply you back 24 hrs. And make sure will not regret after ….
Address:Nathan Road Country/Region: Hong Kong Zip:00852
Van Den Berg Products, with sales-offices in Europe and Asia buying, quality control R& D offices Hong Kong, is the OEM manufacturer of an attractive range Kitchen, Cleaning Household appliances a full line Fitness equipment. Our products are sold around world to TV-channels, mail-order companies, ….
Address:Rm 1604, 16 / F, Nam Wo Hong Bldg, 148 Wing Lok Street, Country/Region: Hong Kong Zip:12345