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GPF Export
GPF Export is a trade company based in sao jose state of santa catarina south Brazil. .We always try to get new partners, people who we can trust and help us develop the market counting on professional team very qualified with wide experience international market, totally supported an informatized ….
Address:Scsao Joseadolfo Donato Da Silva
Harmonia do Brasil Comercio Assessoria e Consultoria Internacional Ltda
Harmonia is a Brazilian importer, exporter & distributor company acting in the international market since 1997. His owners as his main staff has working internatiional 1985. two specialized departments: 1) Import department for tyres (bias, radial, OTR, autos, etc. ) and supplier of conveyor belt; ….
Address:Avenida Ipiranga, 952-8 Andar-Republica
Hawk Pneus
Hawk Pneus (tyre), we are tyre exporter. We are dealing with PCR, TBR OTR and Farm Tyres..
Address:Rua Amador Bueno 26 Cj103
Aguiar Export Management Services
We are traders, procrement and sales agent in Brazil. offer a large range of products services from Mercosul countries. Industrial suppliers sourcing, managing all phases buying selling, provide International transportation logistics up to you.Today we export industrialized foods as powder milk, ….
Address:P.O.Box 33026