We are Electronic part wholesales and we looking forward for any unique product, especially electronic digital products. First we are a local dealer for many years, and now we are a wholesales of electronic parts product..
Address:E-Center Supermal Karawaci Blok I2 / 3, 3A
CV. Brontak Jaya
Address:Soekarno Hatta Kav. 14
JAKARTA AEROSPACE [PT. Jakarta Konsultan Dirgantara]
Jakarta Aerospace, JAe is a licensed Aerospace contractor and consultant Legally Registered in Indonesia. The company offers Products Services solutions advice to Individuals, Corporations Government Institutions. At JAe, we offer which combine the effectiveness of various products services ….
Address:Jl. Kuricang VII Blok GC5 / 5, Pondok Bintaro Sector 3A, Bintaro Jaya