Kaveh Electronics Corp.
WE are a Importer / Wholeseller Distributor company and dealing with all electronic parts components here is Iran since 1975. Also producing high Quality Dynamic Microphones for abaout 3 years. We sometimes deal other items like sporting according to customers request but still our main also supply ….
Address:Nosrat Street, N. Kargar Ave, Tehran 14918, Iran
Yadak Bargh Khodro
Welcome to YBK Corporation: We are a leading company in the field of starters and alternators / parts such as Solenoid switches, Slip Rings, Engaging Lever, Brush Holder other related productions. . As major OEM house we offer our quality auto manufactures after-market firms. produce automotive ….
Address:No. 203 Andisheh 6th Str, Phase 2 Indutrial State
Arshid Trading Company
web site under construction. will be added with links ASAP..
Address:2nd Flr. -# 172-Najafpour St. -Dehghanave. -Pirouzi Ave. Tehran 17359-93956