Kaveh Electronics Corp.
WE are a Importer / Wholeseller Distributor company and dealing with all electronic parts components here is Iran since 1975. Also producing high Quality Dynamic Microphones for abaout 3 years. We sometimes deal other items like sporting according to customers request but still our main also supply ….
Address:Nosrat Street, N. Kargar Ave, Tehran 14918, Iran
Karvarz Meher Ltd
We are pleased to informing you that the following machines being produced by our company since 1970. 1-granule packing machine (topack dried fruits, cheese snacks, honey smacks, etc. ) 2-packing for powder (flourspices, 3-granular (to pack grains, seeds, macaroni form, chemicals and pharmaceutical, ….
Address:P. O. Box 13445-1369 Tehran / Iran
Pazh-Farasoo Machinery
Farasoo machinery is a big trading company which works on food and beverage processing lines. It means we consult to our client about economical project and guide them to find the machines required which have the best quality and the best prices.
Address:Khayam-Bistoon St-No: 70