Kaveh Electronics Corp.
WE are a Importer / Wholeseller Distributor company and dealing with all electronic parts components here is Iran since 1975. Also producing high Quality Dynamic Microphones for abaout 3 years. We sometimes deal other items like sporting according to customers request but still our main also supply ….
Address:Nosrat Street, N. Kargar Ave, Tehran 14918, Iran
Forward Machine Tool Co., Ltd
" Forward Machine Tool Co., Ltd "has accumulated much experience in making machine tools.who mainly specializes various cutting tools, measuring hand accessories, and other toolsAt the present, we produce HSS & carbide end mill, Ball nose milling, Side face milling cutter, Slitting ….
Address:secend threty
Peykareh Enterprise Development Industry Inc.
35 years production, services, innovation and keeping Iran million tons of productionProducts are listed at peykareh work sheet. . present company based on its empirical support has turned out to be under consideration in the filed packing producing all types belts, transportation pallets, packaged ….
Address:# 25 Alvand St. Argentina Sqr.